The Mexicans sharing their perspective

Why do we sometimes experience embarrassment? 


“To experience embarrassment one needs to be concerned about the opinions of others.

To create an experience of feeling judged by others, whether or not the judgement really exists, this is an energy that keeps a person smaller than they could be in the world – self-conscious, trying to conform or fit in to some made up idea of what should happen.

To not have embarrassment as part of one’s experience is to be free to be who you really are, free from considerations of what others may think.

Free to make your own choices. Free to live your own life.

Free to express yourself authentically in ways that are aligned with who you really are and what you have come to experience in the world of form this time.

Others are just being a mirror for where you judge yourself.

It begins on the inside.

The process of being free from embarrassment is an inner journey, and when the inner changes, so must the outer.

The Mexicans speaking on 27th January 2021

Audio re-recorded in June 2021


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