Conversations with the Unseen An amazing podcast and more Mon, 20 May 2024 14:47:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Conversations with the Unseen 32 32 Episode 39 – Anxiety Mon, 20 May 2024 13:29:03 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 39 – Anxiety

Here’s another Conversation with the Unseen for you to listen to.

This episode is about the experience of anxiety. 

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • You are not alone
  • The true cause of anxiety
  • Perspectives
  • Feeling trapped or stuck
  • Not needing to know how
  • Opening up to possibilities
  • Questioning stories
  • Going within
  • Accessing a place of calmness
  • The practice of appreciation
  • The energy you bring creates the experience
  • The practice of allowing
  • The incentive
  • Flowing love

We hope you enjoy listening to this conversation.

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 39 – Anxiety first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 38 – Choosing with awareness Tue, 05 Sep 2023 14:53:47 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 38 – Choosing with awareness

We are always being encouraged by the unseen to look at where we do things habitually, and to try out new things and do experiments. And so, that’s what this current version of the podcast is… we’re playing with creating it in a different way. What has come through from the unseen has done so in a different way than usual for these podcast conversations. There was no intention originally to share this but it felt like there was so much treasure in what came through. We have created it in a format that hopefully you will be able to enjoy and hear the wisdom within what has been shared from our dear, dear friends in the unseen.

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • How has the adventure into form been set up?
  • What about the human senses that are focused on the physical world and seem so compelling and so convincing?
  • Tell us about opening the mind to what is possible.
  • How can we become better at discerning between the inner being’s guidance and the ego impersonating the inner being?

  • Is it possible for us to make a wrong choice when choosing something or not?

  • What if we are not clear what to choose in a situation?

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 38 – Choosing with awareness first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 37 – Why surrender? Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:29:35 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 37 – Why surrender?

In this episode Laura is invited into a conversation about surrender.

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • Why would the human self choose surrender?
  • Is surrender not just the human self giving up its power?
  • Where is the human self insisting or requiring?
  • There is a radically different way of being in the world
  • Being in harmony with the present moment
  • The world of form is reflecting your energy
  • Reaching the point when the human self has had enough
  • Looking in a different direction
  • What the human self discovers when it gets what it wants
  • Smaller steps that can be taken to move in the direction of surrender

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 37 – Why surrender? first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 36 – Stepping into the unknown Thu, 15 Jun 2023 21:29:16 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 36 – Stepping into the unknown

In this episode Laura is joined by a new energy, one that has only shown up in private one-to-one conversations previously. The subject they brought us was ‘Stepping into the unknown’

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • The inner being has stepped into the unknown
  • Why the human self tries to be in control
  • Looking beyond the programmes for more freedom
  • Beyond it all there is just energy
  • Every energy has its own unique qualities
  • The realisation that comes eventually to most people
  • The journey is not as significant as it seems
  • The only thing the human self needs to understand
  • The peace is in knowing who you really are

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 36 – Stepping into the unknown first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 35 – Experiencing freedom from judgement Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:15:51 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 35 – Experiencing freedom from judgement

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Experiencing freedom from judgement

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • What would you like more of in your human experience?
  • The invitation and opportunity for every human
  • Judgement is a symptom of…
  • Being more alert to habitual thoughts
  • Aligning with the perspective of not knowing 
  • The practice of questioning thoughts
  • The basis for judgement 
  • Projections of the mind
  • The fundamental change to the experience of being human
  • Judgement is merely a symptom of being human – it does not define you

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 35 – Experiencing freedom from judgement first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 34 – Who or what is responsible for how you feel? Thu, 23 Feb 2023 15:22:27 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 34 – Who or what is responsible for how you feel?

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Who or what is responsible for how you feel?

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • Do you need life to be a certain way in order to feel peaceful?
  • What does raised awareness give you?
  • What is it that creates the experience of being in physical form?
  • What is happening at the level of energy?
  • How does the human self make the shift?
  • What to ask for
  • Is the treasure what the human self thinks it is?
  • Judgement is like being in a prison cell
  • The human mind is conditioned to think it knows
  • The alternative perspective from beyond the prison cell
  • Are you seeing with physical eyes or energy eyes?
  • Do you prefer complicated or simple?
  • Would you rather have confusion or clarity?

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 34 – Who or what is responsible for how you feel? first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 33 – How perspectives create your experience of being human Sat, 04 Feb 2023 17:00:58 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 33 – How perspectives create your experience of being human

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘How perspectives create your experience of being human‘. 

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • There are as many perspectives as there are human beings
  • The cause of disagreements
  • Is there one ‘true’ or ‘correct’ perspective?
  • What is the key to experiencing more freedom?
  • The world of form acts as a mirror
  • How the human self can feel trapped
  • Is there an alternative?
  • Where do programmes come from?
  • How to discern the source of a thought
  • Are some programmes helpful?
  • Does the inner being make invitations?
  • Is the human self open to other perspectives?
  • Does the human self defend its perspective?
  • What story do you want to believe?
  • Which tender young shoots need to be nurtured and cared for?
  • The freedom to express who you really are – both fully human and fully divine

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 33 – How perspectives create your experience of being human first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 32 – Being willing to step into the unknown Mon, 23 Jan 2023 21:16:32 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 32 – Being willing to step into the unknown

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Being willing to step into the unknown‘. 

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • The human self wants to know
  • The unknown is full of possibilities
  • What is whispering to you?
  • Are you sticking to the safe option?
  • The inner being’s guidance is always for the highest good
  • Human choices are based on a limited perspective
  • To drift or to allow?
  • Indecisiveness is based in fear
  • The practicalities will take care of themselves
  • Begin with a tiny step
  • Allow the inner being to lead you
  • Do you have all the information you need?
  • Interacting with the unseen
  • Expanding awareness – a practice 

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 32 – Being willing to step into the unknown first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 31 – Inner peace and fulfilment through service Sun, 15 Jan 2023 19:49:36 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 31 – Inner peace and fulfilment through service

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Inner peace and fulfilment through service’. 

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • What is the purest form of service?
  • Service and the rediscovery of your true nature
  • How service reminds others of their true nature
  • There is always an opportunity to be of service
  • Is service really a selfless act?
  • Service as a gentle wake-up call
  • What would Great Spirit do? How would it be?
  • Ultimately there is no giving and no receiving

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 31 – Inner peace and fulfilment through service first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.

Episode 30 – Vibration Sun, 08 Jan 2023 12:05:30 +0000

About This Episode

Episode 30 – Vibration

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Vibration’. 

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • The human vibration operates within a range
  • Beyond the human vibration is the inner being
  • What is the purpose of experiencing lower vibration energy states?
  • How does vibration affect the human awareness of the inner being?
  • Is the inner being is present continuously?
  • What is the relationship between vibration and human emotions?
  • Examples of how the human self can raise its vibration
  • The role of enjoyment and appreciation in raising human vibration
  • Relax and allow the vibration to change
  • Programmes create the impression of being powerless
  • Can the human self take responsibility for how it feels?
  • When possible, pause and go inside
  • What to do when it is not practical to pause and go inside
  • Can the human self allow more love to come into its world?

If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…

The post Episode 30 – Vibration first appeared on Conversations with the Unseen.
