Podcast Episodes
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Episode 41 – Depression
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 41Depression About This EpisodeEpisode 41 - Depression Here's another Conversation with the Unseen for you to listen to. This episode is about the human experience of depression. Topics covered in this conversation include:...
Episode 40 – Perspectives revisited
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 40Perspectives revisited About This EpisodeEpisode 40 - Perspectives revisited January 2025 sees us completing five years of almost daily conversations with our wonderful guides in the unseen. During that time we've received so...
Episode 39 – Anxiety
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 39Anxiety About This EpisodeEpisode 39 - Anxiety Here's another Conversation with the Unseen for you to listen to. This episode is about the experience of anxiety. Topics covered in this conversation include: You are not alone...
Episode 38 – Choosing with awareness
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 38Choosing with awareness About This EpisodeEpisode 38 - Choosing with awareness We are always being encouraged by the unseen to look at where we do things habitually, and to try out new things and do experiments. And so, that's...
Episode 37 – Why surrender?
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 37Why surrender? About This EpisodeEpisode 37 - Why surrender? In this episode Laura is invited into a conversation about surrender. Topics covered in this conversation include: Why would the human self choose surrender? Is...
Episode 36 – Stepping into the unknown
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 36Stepping into the unknown About This EpisodeEpisode 36 - Stepping into the unknown In this episode Laura is joined by a new energy, one that has only shown up in private one-to-one conversations previously. The subject they...
Episode 35 – Experiencing freedom from judgement
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 35Experiencing freedom from judgement About This EpisodeEpisode 35 - Experiencing freedom from judgement In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of 'Experiencing...
Episode 34 – Who or what is responsible for how you feel?
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 34Who or what is responsible for how you feel? About This EpisodeEpisode 34 - Who or what is responsible for how you feel? In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject...
Episode 33 – How perspectives create your experience of being human
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 33How perspectives create your experience of being human About This EpisodeEpisode 33 - How perspectives create your experience of being human In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to...
Episode 32 – Being willing to step into the unknown
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 32Being willing to step into the unknownAbout This EpisodeEpisode 32 - Being willing to step into the unknown In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of 'Being...
Episode 31 – Inner peace and fulfilment through service
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 31Inner peace and fulfilment through serviceAbout This EpisodeEpisode 31 - Inner peace and fulfilment through service In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of...
Episode 30 – Vibration
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 30VibrationAbout This EpisodeEpisode 30 - Vibration In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of 'Vibration'. Topics covered in this conversation include: The human...
Episode 28 – When **it happens
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 28When **it happensAbout This EpisodeWhen **it happens In this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Steph for a conversation entitled 'When **it happens' Topics covered in this conversation include: The human self...
Episode 27 – The lie of separation
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 27The lie of separationAbout This EpisodeThe lie of separation In this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Susan for a conversation about the lie of separation. Topics covered in this conversation include: The...
Episode 26 – Resistance is a signpost
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 26Resistance is a signpostAbout This EpisodeResistance is a signpost In this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Susan for a conversation entitled 'Resistance is a signpost'. Topics covered in this conversation...
Episode 25 – This is an energy journey
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 25This is an energy journeyAbout This EpisodeThis is an energy journey In this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Susan for a conversation entitled 'This is an energy journey'. Topics covered in this conversation...
Episode 24 – Trying
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 24TryingAbout This EpisodeTrying For this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Susan for a conversation about trying. Topics covered in this conversation include: The energy of trying The alternative to trying What...
Episode 23 – Enjoyment & appreciation – part 2
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 23Enjoyment & appreciation - part 2About This EpisodeEnjoyment & appreciation - part 2 For this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Steph for the second part of an extended conversation about enjoyment...
Episode 22 – Enjoyment & appreciation – part 1
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 22Enjoyment & appreciation - part 1About This EpisodeEnjoyment & appreciation - part 1 For the next two episodes we are joined by our dear friend Steph for an extended conversation about enjoyment & appreciation,...
Episode 21 – Conflict – part 2
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 21Conflict - part 2About This EpisodeConflict - part 2 Once again we are joined by our dear friends Ulrike and Susan for the second conversation on conflict, following on from Episode 20. Topics covered in this conversation...
Episode 20 – Conflict – part 1
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 20Conflict - part 1About This EpisodeConflict - part 1 In this episode we are again joined by our dear friends Susan and Ulrike for the first of two conversations on the subject of conflict. Topics covered in this conversation...
Episode 19 – Allow all things – part 2
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 19Allow all things - part 2About This EpisodeAllow all things - part 2 In this episode we are again joined by our dear friend Ulrike, for a follow-on conversation to Episode 18 - Allow all things - part 1. Topics covered in this...
Episode 18 – Allow all things – part 1
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 18Allow all things - part 1About This EpisodeAllow all things - part 1 In this episode we are again joined by our dear friend Ulrike. Topics covered in this conversation include: Making a conscious choice to feel peaceful How the...
Episode 17 – The eye of the storm
CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNSEEN Episode 17The eye of the stormAbout This EpisodeThe eye of the storm In this episode we are again joined by our dear friend Susan, for a follow-on conversation to Episode 14 - Tea Break for the Mind. Topics covered in this conversation...
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