About This Episode

Episode 38 – Choosing with awareness

We are always being encouraged by the unseen to look at where we do things habitually, and to try out new things and do experiments. And so, that’s what this current version of the podcast is… we’re playing with creating it in a different way. What has come through from the unseen has done so in a different way than usual for these podcast conversations. There was no intention originally to share this but it felt like there was so much treasure in what came through. We have created it in a format that hopefully you will be able to enjoy and hear the wisdom within what has been shared from our dear, dear friends in the unseen.

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • How has the adventure into form been set up?
  • What about the human senses that are focused on the physical world and seem so compelling and so convincing?
  • Tell us about opening the mind to what is possible.
  • How can we become better at discerning between the inner being’s guidance and the ego impersonating the inner being?

  • Is it possible for us to make a wrong choice when choosing something or not?

  • What if we are not clear what to choose in a situation?

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If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to https://conversationswiththeunseen.com/connect and send it to us.

Until next time…