About This Episode

Episode 34 – Who or what is responsible for how you feel?

In this episode Laura asks our friends in the unseen to share with us. They chose to speak on the subject of ‘Who or what is responsible for how you feel?

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • Do you need life to be a certain way in order to feel peaceful?
  • What does raised awareness give you?
  • What is it that creates the experience of being in physical form?
  • What is happening at the level of energy?
  • How does the human self make the shift?
  • What to ask for
  • Is the treasure what the human self thinks it is?
  • Judgement is like being in a prison cell
  • The human mind is conditioned to think it knows
  • The alternative perspective from beyond the prison cell
  • Are you seeing with physical eyes or energy eyes?
  • Do you prefer complicated or simple?
  • Would you rather have confusion or clarity?

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If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the unseen? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to https://conversationswiththeunseen.com/connect and send it to us.

Until next time…