Episode 26

Resistance is a signpost

23 January 2022

About This Episode

Resistance is a signpost

In this episode we are once again joined by our dear friend Susan for a conversation entitled ‘Resistance is a signpost’.

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • The impact of ego attachment
  • The ego believing what the senses show
  • The treasure that lies beyond the programmes
  • Curiosity – an alternative to the frustrating ego game
  • Question what the human self is believing
  • Taking a small step in the direction  of what you desire
  • The human experience of energy
  • The ego’s definition of ‘Real’
  • Wisdom is recognising that the human self does not know
  • Reflecting on the present moment
  • The cumulative effect of small steps
  • Faith sends out a message to the field

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If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the Mexicans? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…