Episode 11

The liberation of the ego

29 January 2021

About This Episode

The liberation of the ego

Topics covered in this conversation include:

  • Giving up the struggle
  • The ego is addicted to being in control
  • Surrendering to the non-physical self
  • What the ego is striving for
  • The world of form cannot give the ego what it wants
  • The struggle must be given up voluntarily
  • The release of programmes
  • Aparent deterioration
  • Taking stock with the ego
  • Walking the tightrope
  • To surrender is to choose to be free
  • If you’d like to know when there’s a new conversation, remember to subscribe to the newsletter, and also to share it with others.

If you’d like to have a written transcript of this conversation, you can access it by clicking the button above.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the Mexicans? Or perhaps there’s a topic you’d love us to explore? If so, please go to and send it to us.

Until next time…